taking hrpy arms with setting color to crimson and salamander legs is alright. And there isn't need for phoenix arms or legs to be included there. Phoenix TF is kinda already done and it's named Nocello Liqueur. swf files into browsers on two different computers, and no difference there either. So I can't actually complete the game in the mod'd version to try the ascension content because I can't get to Lethice via the throne room.ĮDIT: For the record I downloaded the CoC_1.0.2_mod_1.3.23b.swf file, am using a local save to file to avoid accidental deletions, and play it out of my browser in flashplayer_10_sa_debug.exe (only since that doesn't alter the source code it shouldn't make a difference). I downloaded an older CoC_1.0.2_mod_1.3.22.swf just to check and there's no north button. I tried loading the same save in the non-mod version of CoC_1.0.2.swf and there's a north button. Was looking forward to getting to "ascend" and do a second playthrough with different options only I physically cannot get to Lethice to even try any of thatĮDIT: I'm wondering, did I miss a key, or a lever or something somewhere to unlock the way north in the Stronghold? It sounded like I should just have an option, and I don't. swf file multiple times and it's the same each time. Did something get reverted in an update to remove that option? I've tried redownloading the. I have the most recent file, only there's no North button in the throne room. When I looked at the source code, this option wasn't supposed to pop up I believe.Just started playing this a few weeks ago.

I've made him drink Succubus milk once, and I'm currently in a fight scene with him with 15 more Succubus milk, but after I finish the fight with him, it gives me the option to Rape, Kill, or TakeBow&Leave. Ooookay, so I'm confused at to what to do at the Kelt breaking part. Though I'm gay, other pairings aren't left out. Fortunately, female/herm players aren't left out since these males listed would be open to all genders.

One of my goals is to increase the total amount of sexable males by at least 15 to satisfy the gays. Frost Giant (Might add more victory sex options).Harry the Rhino-morph (Can only be submissive to him).What about being able to anally penetrate Zetaz? Consensual sex with Sean the Incubus? This could potentially increase the total amount of males you can have sex with by 11 since the beginning of the mod. I'm always willing to code in more sexable males. That's right, you'll even be able to buttfuck that avian deity. Anzu will be next once the scenes are finished. So far, I've coded 7 additional sexable males in the game: Behemoth, Lizan Rogue, Andy the Satyr, and Pure Jojo.